Seven habits cd
Seven habits cd

seven habits cd

Three things that I felt if I could just do them for 3 months, might start to make a difference to my work and personal life. I have never shown anyone to this day what was in there, but suffice to say the news was not good.īut, I refused the temptation to beat myself up, and decided to make some small, positive habit changes and try to stick to them. Meticulously, painfully analysing what I did and why I did it, both in my personal life and in my working life. They provide focus, a sense of direction. But the thing that I understood all of a sudden was so blindingly obvious: The difference this time was that one of the books I had read was Steven Covey’s “Seven Habits of Highly Effective People”. Go on a driving holiday around California in an open-topped car Launch my own business and double my then pay packet I blitzed loads of books about goal-setting, got Tony Robbins’ latest CDs, and set myself a whole bunch of goals which included

seven habits cd

That was when I decided to take goal setting really seriously in both life and business.

seven habits cd

I felt in my own small way like that scene in Trading Places where Dan Ackroyd is stood in the pouring rain, dressed as Santa with a half-eaten salmon in his beard. So with that fantastic motivational speech fresh in my mind I trudged back to work, to be met by the news that Lehman Brothers had gone bust, and that my job was at risk. I described my lifestyle to him and his comment was ‘Face of a youngster, arteries of a pensioner’, and the gem of wisdom: ‘You know, healthy-looking people aren’t immune from the grim reaper’s scythe’… I was ushered into a little treatment room and was confronted by a severe, quite elderly, rubber-gloved consultant.


And so it was with some trepidation that I went into my first ever Full Medical. But I went on a bit of a journey which started in 2008, I was about to hit forty, and I have to admit I didn’t have the healthiest lifestyle, I was 75 grand in debt, recently divorced, had no real career or direction. Now I’m no motivational guru or big thinker. Invariably I’ve disappointed myself when I haven’t lost the weight, got less fit, stayed away 4 nights in a rubbish hotel, scoffed a family pack of crisps and hacked off my staff – sometimes in very short order. Someone’s always doing better than me / got more stuff / done more things.įor more years than I care to remember, I’ve set myself goals, both personally and from a business perspective. Goals, when you don’t achieve them, lead to disappointment and frustration. Goal-based financial planning is what many of you use to engage your clients. We end up feeling disappointed or frustrated with ourselves or those around us.Īnd yet, we’re taught from a young age that goals are good. Why is it that we are so bad at achieving the goals we set ourselves? Whether it’s business goals or personal goals, more often than not we just don’t seem to get there.

Seven habits cd